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The Herbert J. Oyer Student Research Award

The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology is pleased to announce the Herbert J. Oyer Student Research Award. ARA believes in supporting new investigators and we consider this award as essential in encouraging outstanding research in audiologic rehabilitation. The student investigator selected to receive the award will be required to present their research at the ARA Institute and the winning project will be published. The award recipient will receive complimentary registration to the 2023 ARA Institute in Boston MA, a 1-year free membership in ARA, and a financial award of $1,000 (to defray the cost of travel to the Institute).

Further Information

1 / Description Of The Award

The student research award was named in honor of Herbert J. Oyer, Ph.D., a charter member of ARA and leader in the field of audiologic rehabilitation. It was designed to
recognize students completing exemplary research and to advance the area of audiologic rehabilitation. Initially developed by the ARA Executive Board in 2001, the
first Herbert J. Oyer Student Research Award was given during the annual Business Meeting at the 2003 ARA Summer Institute.

2 / Eligibility

The research study must be in the area of audiologic rehabilitation, which may include research related to: hearing screening, communication strategies, auditory and visual speech perception and training, hearing aids, cochlear implants, counseling, or tinnitus management. Applicants must have been a student when the research was completed, and you may be up to two-years post-graduation at the time of the judging.

3 / Criteria for Judging Applications

Applications will be judged up to a 1000-word summary of the completed research. The summary should include a description of the study background, purpose, methods,
results and conclusions and references (not included in the word count). Three ARA committee members will independently review each application. The student who
receives the highest overall score will receive the award. The committee reserves the right to not name a recipient if submissions do not meet the award criteria. Each
submission will be judged according to the following five criteria:


Abstract: Limit 200 words

Significance: Rationale for the research. Relevant and current references cited; purpose, experimental hypotheses, and/or questions clearly stated

Approach: Methodology well described and appropriate for the purpose

Findings: Results explained and relevance discussed and summarized


Professional writing skills and presentation: Use of current APA style


The application deadline is July 15, 2023. Applicants will be notified of competition results by July 31, 2023

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